I've been lying naked on the roof for the past 3 days. I just checked - there's no change and they're predicting rain tomorrow.
How often to they change the Google satellite images?
You might have to be up there for a while.
You should maybe write a book about your experiences...and grow a lush beard. take a pic of it every day. THEN if you have to take a pee break...get a hobo to fill in for you. Or one of the Wiggles. They're a step down from Hobos..but...you gotta do what you gotta do..
How often to they change the Google satellite images?
wow , maybe u need to refresh your browzer page Kmac, cuz i just checked and saw u on the roof....however no matter how hard i zoomed in, i couldnt see 'all' of you...know what i mean?
not often enough and i can cite you several examples here in my home town of sacramento,i made the examples known to them but they have not changed yet ,most of them are at least three years old .
Jesse is right, you look like a Ken doll. Also, your backyard looks like a blowup doll junkyard. Amazing Kool-Aid guy statue though.
It's working, I've been using your schlong shadow as a sundial for the last three days.
just make a cardboard cut out of you and leave it on the roof.
Why didn't I think of that?
Every time someone googles your house, there will be an %26quot;A%26quot; in a red, upside down, tear shaped pole, were your junk should be.
Pure Genius!
I think they've just been trying to respect your privacy, sir.
You mean they aren't live?
Damn I need figure out another way to stalk my ex now...