I posted a week ago about how my and my competitors' google backlinks had been disappearing. I'm pleased to report that today the number of google backlinks has gone up considerably for me and the other sites I keep an eye on.
My site is still in the number 1 spot for its key words so I don't know what the effect of this latest update is. Has anyone else noticed any changes from google today?
Google Update - anyone else noticed changes?
The backlinks are given based on the quality of the sites offering links. If these links are from spam site then it is natural Google has removed them
Google Update - anyone else noticed changes?
I'm guessing that you're using the Google link: operator - if so don't rely on it's results - they only return a subset of a sites backlinks.
Yahoo's link operator is much better - Make sure to include the http:// when using that function in Yahoo.
The best way of getting a good list of backlinks for your site is to use Google site maps www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ - much more comprehensive.