Friday, 7 October 2011

How to change the default google logo to any character of your choice.?

i want my name in place of GOOGLE when i type
How to change the default google logo to any character of your choice.?
your asking a programming question.

The problem is not you trying to change it but if you are allowed to through the code...

Every code has many levels. each level requires the ablity to access it. If you can not access it you can not change it.

What google gives you. You can not change unless you now how they created the %26quot;html%26quot;....with out being able to munipulate the code under the html.

You will have to create your own.

How to change the default google logo to any character of your choice.?
Huh? Do you mean get a domain name? And do you want it to redirect you to the google page when you type in the address. If you want a domain, just google it. You gotta pay for it though.
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