I'm in a wave right now and people can see my first and last name. I don't like that and only want them to be able to see my first name. How can i change that so it's possible?
How do you change your name on Google Wave?
At the top of the Contacts panel in the lower left-hand side of the screen, click on your avatar (either a picture you've uploaded or a blank silhouette). A new window will pop up with a button to 'Edit Profile', click it and a new wave will load where you again click the button 'Edit Profile'. From here you can change your name, add a status message or not, or enter a website URL. You can also change your picture here by clicking 'Change Picture' and uploading a picture from your computer. Keep in mind that the avatars are very small on Wave so choose a very simple avatar or a close-up picture of your face if you want people to be able to see it. You'll have the opportunity to crop the picture the way you want it.
Click Done and you're done, then go back to the wave you are participating in. The changes will show immediately.